Law enforcement officers are relied on to decide who should be included or exported from society. This not only shows that there is an on going problem with gender but also with how racial differences are perceived. Due to how law enforcement officers are reacting to gender and racial differences on the job is increasing the fear of criminal victimization. The comparison of two oppressive traits is known as intersectionality. As gender and race intersect, men of color find themselves to have the highest rates of victimization. Women of any ethnic background find themselves to be the victims of most crimes. Throughout history crimmigration has introduced two major acts of legislation, further intersecting immigration and criminal enforcement. The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Responsibility Act of 1996 were form for three specific reasons. The first is to increase funding for immigration control. Secondly emphasize the need to prioritize the removal of non- citizens who commit a crime. Finally, expanding the number of crimes that will disqualify an immigrant from trying to obtain or keep permanent legal status. These acts along with their goals have made discriminating in police work necessary to ensure immigration control. Men are at a greater risk for almost all types of …show more content…
Men are more likely to be victims of assault or robbery while women have a greater likely hood of being a victim of rape. Women tend to fear male violence; statistics show that crime is mostly committed by a friend or acquaintance of the victim. Women fear rape the most because it is often accompanied with robbery, homicide, and physical violence. There is also the fear of becoming pregnant by their rapist or contracting STI’s or AIDS after being raped (Renzetti et. all 284). Socioeconomic status decides the neighborhood one is able to live in. The neighborhoods of lower income tend to see more violence and attract crime. The broken- windows theory from problem oriented policing proves that unattended property will attract crime and bad behavior. Crime that is committed by females is increasing and becoming more masculine as a result of women’s movements taking place. Men and women both commit serious crimes but women offenders see greater leniency before the