Forth To The Mighty Conflict. By Allen Cronenberg. (Tuscaloosa and London, A.L.: The University of Alabama Press, 1995.) “The Great Arsenal of the South” most Alabamians called home during the Second World War.…
Without conflict the story would be very boring. It would be the same as reading a dictionary. Conflict is the struggle between opposing forces. In “Seven Types of Ambiguity” we see two different types of conflict. The first and most prominent conflict is Man versus Himself.…
Throughout medieval times, variables such as wealth, gender roles and the growing concern of witchcraft challenged the authority of the Church. Because each of these themes are unique to their circumstances and elicited different if not similar responses from both those involved and those observing, it is relevant to detect and understand why these different events took place, and what became of the people who drove these actions. In chapters four, five and six of Deane’s A History of Medieval Heresy and Inquisition, each of these themes respectively was discussed in detail. The first of the previously mentioned concepts that challenged the authority of the Church is wealth. This was problematic as a good Christian was thought to have few worldly possessions and pride, however once in power, the men of the church had an abundance of these.…
Rhetorical Analysis of “The Commerce of Violence” The book “Our Only World” is a group of essays that exemplifies the great work that Wendell Berry has written over a number of years. The essay “The Commerce of Violence” is one of the many works in his book “Our Only World” and was written in 2013. In Wendell Berry…
1. How is the idea of a dictator used in Gattaca and The Lot to ensure the obedience of citizens? - The tyrant encourages individuals to strive for the same ideal as those around them, which inevitably leads to their discontent as they become fixated on their flaws whilst dismissing their individuality. - The dictator acts as a force that compels individuals to discriminate those who do not conform to society’s standards.…
Since the beginning of time, humans have been plagued with conflict as they struggle to survive and make their places in the world, to help them live peaceably with each other, they have created laws and rules. Sometimes, their fears get the best of them; however. They become envious of each other and insecure about their own shortcomings. They sometimes make enemies of each other and wage war against them. John Knowles’s book, A Separate Peace, captures these themes of conflict.…
The book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain has held a controversial message since Twain published it in 1884. Even though the United States abolished slavery with the ratification of the thirteenth amendment nineteen years before this story was published, except for in one state (In Mississippi slavery was banned 129 years after the book’s publication), the theme still had a huge message that still sends shock waves into the modern era. Huckleberry Finn, known as ‘Huck’ for most of the narrative, runs away from the abuses brought on by his drunkard father. He fakes his own death to leave to Jackson’s Island and those in the town believe the murder was committed by Jim, a slave who was running for his freedom like Huck was. The…
What If Collier was Wrong The Collier brothers say it themselves, “war is futile”, however, is that a professional thought, or just a theme that supports his title? In this essay one could find evidence that war shaped history not hindered it. As previously stated, the Collier brothers say themselves “war is worthless.”…
The essay The Better For My Foes written by Elouise Bell. Bell emphasizes the importance of opposition. Relaying common mistakes Americans and Mormons participate in deeming all opposition as pure evil. Bell draws a light on personal and intellectual growth that can be erected from opposition, but demonstrates the consequences of asserting it. Agonism In The Academy by Deborah Tannen reveals the weak link in the educational system.…
In his novel, fist stick knife gun, Geoffrey Canada outlines a short history of the escalating violence in our cities. Taking place particularly in the South Bronx, his recounting of the virtually obligatory acts of violence that he witnessed committed on the streets of New York is truly an eye opener. He provides an earth shattering account of the truthful conditions and causes behind the atrocious acts committed by today's poverty-stricken youth, and offers the well-thought out solutions and opinions of a seasoned professional who has dealt with these issues first-hand. Geoffrey's first encounter with the violence that would soon come to dominate his youth took place during his early childhood years in the South Bronx.…
It is odd to think that there are so many concerning modern issues that have yet to be resolved, yet educators and parents prevent their children from forming awareness of these issues--by banning books from the school curricula. Many authors attempt at exploiting these societal problems to readers, whether from the past or future, yet skepticism is unfortunately tied with them. Controversy offends many people, though students need to be aware of reality and societal situations. Keeping middle and high school students ignorant, by banning novels, is supposed to prevent prejudice and offense...but does it really help students? John Knowles' A Separate Peace is a highly debated book, whether or not to be included in school curriculums due to…
Would it not be great to be able to prevent conflict altogether? Not having to resolve any disputes, or differences, and having complete harmony. It would be amazing; however, conflict is part of life. We may not be able to prevent it all the time, but we can be prepared to resolve it in the best manner possible. Authors, Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson, share their knowledge in their book titled, Resolving everyday conflict, providing a Christian view on conflict resolution (Sande & Johnson, 2011).…
Nils Christie wrote “Conflicts as Property” arguing the importance of conflicts in society and how they have become property that can be used and stolen. In this critical summary I will summarize and then critically analyze his work to determine if I agree with his argument. Christie opens the paper by arguing the importance of conflicts in our society and that “they ought to be used, and become useful, for those originally involved in the conflict.” He continues by describing how conflicts are taken from the victim, who “is so thoroughly represented that she or he of most of the proceedings is pushed completely out of the arena, reduced to the triggerer-off of the whole thing.” The author also denounces courts and lawyers that, he believes, are trained to steal, prevent, and solve conflicts.…
Power is like a knife. A knife in proper hands can create pieces of culinary art, however, a knife in cruel hands only creates destruction. Power is misused in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and William Shakespeare’s Richard III and both literary works demonstrate the same consequences. Power destroys morality within the abuser and society. This exploitation of power will also lead to discontentment among the people.…
The presence of a sort of tension between faith and reason has been innate to humans since people first started to question what the true purpose of life is. The existence of this separation could be clearly viewed by looking comparing Athens and Jerusalem, with Athens representing truth through reason and philosophy and Jerusalem representing truth through insights of revelation and purity of soul. Therefore, faith and reason have always posed tension by their proximity and their constantly juxtaposing views. Many view these two concepts as complete opposites, that reason is proven by fact and that faith cannot be proven. However, some philosophers have described how faith and reason can actually come together to come to the truth and how faith can be an extension of the reason that works to reach a higher truth.…