Human savagery and loss of innocence are common themes that Golding uses to describe the death of …show more content…
A recurring theme in the story is Loss of Innocence. Piggy and Simon were both considered to be the innocence inside of the group. They kept everyone on track, until they were both killed. Once that happened, it showed that the boys’ innocence was fully gone and that there is no going back.
The author often uses foreshadowing to hint towards later events that will happen in the story. The fact of Piggy being alienated, the mock pig hunt, and Roger throwing rocks is clear evidence of the style Golding likes to use. “I got the conch-- Jack turned fiercely…….You shut up!”(Golding, 2006, p. 39). This is a conversation between Piggy and Jack. In the beginning they made the rule that whoever has the conch is talking and no one else can speak, unless they are holding the conch. Piggy is trying to get them to listen to him because he has the conch and Jack then turns around and yells at him to shut up.The author used this as foreshadowing for what will be coming up in the book, which is ultimately the death of Piggy. Throughout the book Piggy is often alienated and pushed to the outside of the group of boys; or it is always the