Bradbury uses a lot of figurative language throughout Fahrenheit 451 to create a unique book. His use of figurative language makes this book a one-of-a-kind book, and makes the reader think. Figurative language and the complex vocabulary Bradbury uses helps the reader understand the meaning and theme behind the story: knowledge VS ignorance. To go along with the figurative language, Guy’s clumsy steps help develop this thematic idea. The use of the figurative language also connects the reader to the text. Overall, Bradbury has a very unique style that pulls the reader into the book. Although the book has a rather fast pace, the reader still understands the book, and it connects to the …show more content…
The figurative language deepens the book, and the style and craft drags the reader farther into it. The central idea of the book is well chose and described. The only thing that could have been improved is the figurative language. There is so much figurative language at certain parts that many readers do not may have trouble understanding it. Even with the confusing parts this book deserves a four out of five stars, because it is intriguing, but still has flaws. With this being said, the book does target young-adult and adult readers who enjoy classics. As Bradbury says, “There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading