Examples Of Guilt In The Great Gatsby

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Guilty or Not Guilty? Many people know this time period as “ The Roaring Twenties” or “The Jazz Age”. Cars were popular in this time because it gave the people freedom to whatever they wanted to do. During this time, many people preferred to live in the cities instead of the farms. Women weren’t seen as powerful individuals as the men were seen. Women have tried to have more freedom like men. Women were known has housewives to cook and clean, while the men were out making money. Women have fought for their rights and have explained why we should all be equal. This is called the 19th Amendment. The novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the film Chicago by Rob Marshall, was during a period where women knew their worth and they took it to have a better life. Women in the 1920s depended on their sexuality to ensure they had adequate financial security, to be respected in their community, and to work toward their goal of national fame. Women used their sexuality to ensure they had adequate financial security. In The Great Gatsby, Myrtle would use Tom to finance the luxurious lifestyle of her dream. Tom would go and see her at the car shop. He would tell her to get on the next train so they can meet up. Myrtle listened to whatever Tom told her to do so she would be on his good side. When they are with Nick headed to …show more content…
In The Great Gatsby, Daisy was shown as having higher status because she lived with Tom Buchanan who was a man that was rich in various ways. While Nick Carraway, Daisy’s second cousin, is on his way to the Buchanan’s house, he comments, “His family were enormously wealthy-even in college his freedom with money was a matter for reproach…” (6). Daisy maintains a reputation as someone “elite,” as she married a man who has been wealthy his whole life, although Nick and Jordan realize that, had she married for love, she would have married Gatsby if it wasn’t for him going to

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