Example Of Egoism In Healthcare

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Egoism is the ethical viewpoint that looks only for value as it pertains to you. This value system literally states that it is best to be selfish and only look out for what is good for you. The idea behind egoism is that if everyone acts only for their best interest, then the world becomes a better and more relatable place to live in.
From this viewpoint, it is better to extend our lives using any means necessary than to do anything else. If we spend less time preparing for death, we can spend more time worrying about how we our systems treat us. Under egoism we would overhaul the healthcare system to be state-of-the-art and as close to flawless as humanly possible. We wouldn’t worry about any ethical issues when it comes to things like animal testing or genetic alteration, as long as it leads to better results overall.
Egoism is a good viewpoint to consider when a question offers no real solution by itself. For example, when it comes to choosing which healthcare plan you buy, there is no real right answer. All of the plans have upsides and downsides, but when you consider how that plan will benefit you for the next 20, 50 or even 70+ years then the question becomes more manageable.
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Egoism is not the best idea to consider when the question is about the good of many people. So if you are the person managing the healthcare plans, then it is not a good idea to look at it from an egoistic standpoint. This is because when you consider something like that from an egoistic standpoint, you would only look as how it would benefit yourself, not how it would hurt the thousands of people that rely on it. From an egoistic standpoint, pricing healthcare plans would maximize profits and minimize losses by any means possible. This means that you would charge outrageous rates and then do nothing when they do get sick (like healthcare companies do now). Is this moral? The short answer is no, but it is

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