This could be compared to Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. The participant’s ages could be compared to the intimacy vs. isolation, the sixth stage of Erikson’s stages. Erikson explains this to be a time in a person’s life that would be building long-term relationships. Along with not only finding love relationships, but also long lasting friendships. The intimacy part of this stage, answer the question, Am I able to care for others? This could be compared to Zimbardo’s experiment because once he separated the subjects to half guards and half prisoners relationships went out the window. The Guards had so much power they lost the will to care for …show more content…
Shortly after the experiment was concluded there was an irruption of prisons breaks. There was a prison break the day after the experiment concluded. Along with the prison breaks there was a significant increase in prison riots. There was one particular one that happened at the Attica prison in New York. In which prisoners held guards hostage because the prisoners wanted their rights. This experiment help prisoners receive their basic rights and shed a light on prison guards abusing