Essay On White Women In Slavery

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Many female during the early nineteenth century fought for abolition of slavery around the world. The slave narrative become must powerful female tool in nineteenth century. The black and white women are fictionalized and objectified in the slave narrative. However, white women are known as pure and black women are known as impure. The sexually abuse and sex trafficking is happening around the world. Therefore, it also oppresses the ability to speak for themselves, sexually exploited and sex trafficking happen today. The history of slavery was first started around 19th century. African slaves were brought from Europe to America. The slave transporting began as entrepreneur occupation for British. Slave were brought to work in cotton field …show more content…
Slavery is still relevant today. There are many slavery in term of slave. For example, sex trafficking, child labor and child pornography, which is still happening around the world. Though slaves around the world today may not be legally beaten, shackled or sold as property like African America slaves suffered for over two centuries between 1619-1865, an estimate 32 billion dollars is generated annually in an underground industry classified as a type of slavery- human trafficking. Additional, sex trafficking is not limited to the undeveloped country, due to poor condition. They don’t have any choice. Country with large sex trafficking create the demand for trafficked women. While other countries trafficker can easily recruit provide the supply. Therefore, economically depressed country provides the easiest way for trafficking. In such nation, where women are eager to leave the country for better opportunity. Which make victim of sex trafficking. Likewise, in country like slave from Africa bring to United States for work purpose. They were forcedly become slave. They must work for their owner, they didn’t have any choice. Master think that slave is inhuman. Most commonly, victims are promised a good job, education, or citizenship in a foreign country or offered a false marriage proposal that is turned into bondage. Many victims are sold into the sex trade by parents, husbands, and significant others,

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