Before one is able to undergo radiation treatment the doctor calculates the total dose of radiotherapy that is needed and the number of individual doses required. There are no guidelines that explain exactly how much radiation is too much because each patient is different so it may vary. Most patients will have a computerised tomography scan in order to accurately locate the tumor. A computerised tomography scan (also known as a CT scan) uses a computer and X-rays to build detailed images of the inside of the body. Radiation therapy can …show more content…
Exhaustion is another common side effect however unlike someone who is exhausted from lack of sleep, patients that are experiencing this side effect still feel exhausted after receiving sleep. The risk of getting a second cancer from radiation therapy is low although it is possible. Radiation therapy to the pelvis can also affect the reproductive system. Many women receiving high doses of radiation therapy can stop menstruating and experience symptoms including menopause, such as vaginal itching, burning, dryness, and permanent infertility. Last, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, stiffness in the jaw, nausea, shortness of breath and hair loss are also possible side effects. More side effects are possible depending on the location of treatment. Below the graph demonstrates the difference rates of survival between those who underwent standard radiation therapy shortly after they were diagnosed with breast cancer and those who refused the