Edmund Morgan Slavery And Freedom Analysis

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Edmund Morgan, an American historian and a previous history professor at Yale University, unveils how slavery was able to exist in America while liberty was held at the highest of standards in his journal Slavery and Freedom: The American Paradox. After sifting through the stories of our nations founding fathers and most important men of the American Revolution his discovers that, unlike most other historians, the fopaux we call slavery did not begin as a racist act. Morgan also discovered that while many write off the founding fathers and the original colonists as hypocrites for wanting to live in a free world while depriving others of their liberty that’s not an accurate name to describe them. And throughout Slavery and Freedom: The American Paradox Edmund Morgan explains his realization with the world.
Edmund explains his views through the stories and beliefs of colonists the first of them being the infamous Thomas Jefferson. Everyone most commonly associates Thomas Jefferson as the man with the very large signature on the Declaration
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These men believed that if the numbers if idle men and women continued to rise it would lead to the ultimate downfall of the civilization. Ferguson related this situation to that of the Roman republic where the, “Slaves, who increased, by their numbers and their vises, the weight of that dreg, which, in great and prosperous cities, ever sinks, by the tendency of vice and misconduct to the lowest division” (Morgan 10). This idea also applies in to the abolition of slavery several years after it had become intergraded into society. The immediate removal of slavery would lead to an extreme rise of, “landless poor” (Morgan 12) ultimately dragging down all of the colonies. In addition, the relinquishment of slavery would make it impossible for plantation owners to grow, harvest, and distribute their product efficiently and

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