The main difference was the leaders
Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, at 26 he led a 150 man attack made of farmers and factory workers against the military barracks in Santiago de Cuba in 1953.
They were out maned so he fled to mountains but was captured weeks later.
Another difference was the makeup of the two societies.
Cuba was mad up of decedents of slaves.
Castro 's revolution would develop under the shadow of American government when it was a colony of Spain, US expansionists want to make Cuba a state of the union
US intervention, during Cuba 's fight for independence helped them break Spain 's grip
Cuba allowed US to set up a permanent military base in Guantanamo.
Cuba 's sugar became tied to US markets and dominated by American investors US imported goods to Cuba, but high tariffs discouraged Cuban manufacturing 1930s to 50s Batista, satisfied American interest. Anti-Communist Generously funding the Army He intimidated everyone but Castro Castro accused him of being “neocolonial” American dependency In September 1953 Castro is trailed for the revolt and sentence to 13 years. “History Will Absolve Me” attack on corrupted politicians and laid out a reform program He wrote an appeal, omitting any references to communism and socialism. In 1955, Batista grants him amnesty. Castro is exiled to Mexico, there he built a political organization, named the 26th of July Movement (day of the revolt) In December 1956, Castro and 82 associates slipped back into Cuba. Castro gained popularity in Cuba Cuban were embracing anti-Batista He had 20,000 active supporter and 2,000 guerrillas. On January 1, 1959, Batista fled the country. Within six years Castro 's rebellion had its victory by the time Batista fell, Castro was already a dominant figure But Castro appeared to have no actual plans Castro made his first important decision in May 1959. dramatic public trial and execution of Batista loyalist. He nationalized Us owned oil refineries Eisenhower implemented an economic embargo Castro nationalized more US property January 1961 the two sides broke diplomatic relations Che Guevara warned Castro to anticipate and prepare for US intervention Bay of Pigs, April 1961 Castro prevails American hostility made Castro tighten his control In 1959 he banned liberal parties Free elections were never held and free speech was severely curtailed The Cuban Communist Party An instrument to carry out Castro 's policies Castro disliked its ideological rigidity and subservience to Moscow To promote welfare, Castro embraced socialism “It was a gradual process dynamic process, in which the pressure of events {after the revolution} forced me to accept Marxism as the answer I was seeking.” In practice, Castro was like Arbenz and Ho Aimed to eliminate abject poverty, promote literacy, make medical care widely available and reduce the birthrate and infant mortality expropriated the land of wealthy property owners moved toward collective agriculture raised ordinary Cuban 's purchasing power and closed glaring gaps in welfare Badly formulated economic policy and the fight of foreign capital plagued the revolution from the outset Expensive Domestic policies and US relations push Castro toward the Soviet Union The Cuban Missile Crisis Seemed Castro was determined to stir US- Soviet Relations Castro was upset when Khrushchev worked a deal out with Kennedy But he had no say in the decision making In 1972 Cuba joined the bloc 's Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) Castro helped other third world countries fight for a revolution Supported insurgencies in the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Argentina, Bolivia, and Venezuela None was successful, other than the dictator Anastasio Somoza;s overthrow in Nicaragua Also helped in beyond the Western Hemisphere Gave assistance to Algeria 's independence and backed …show more content…
The CPP had become self serving, member was enriching themselves as party and government bureaucrats
Nkrumah 's attempts to crack down on the corruption failed, he began to silences hi critics and moved to a one-party state in 1964
He was referred to as “Big Man” and a dominating political figure.
Powerful outsiders want Nkrumah gone
He survived three attempts against his life
In February 1966 he fell victim to a coup
Exiled to Guinea
He watched the growth of the black panther party in the States
Nkrumah died in 1972
Colonial Legacies in Ghana and