Dwellings By Linda Howards Analysis

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In modern times, the western approach towards nature and Life is practical in the sense that it can all be explained by a scientific phenomenon. Due to this mentality, spiritual connections to our roots, nature and Life, are abysmal. To Linda Hogan, writer of Dwellings, this inauspicious approach confirms a detachment from “the treaties once made with [nature]”(11), to which Native Americans dearly hold on to. Throughout Dwellings, Hogan recounts significant experiences that enable her to inch closer to her roots and raise her awareness on the beauties of Life. For example, in “The Bats,” she witnesses bats mating for the first time and describes it as “soundless motion of wind blowing great dark dunes into new configurations”(21). If a person …show more content…
In respect to Hogan, she believes the main goal in life is to hold responsibility for “the future and to the other species sharing our journeys”(11), which is why Native Americans hold their culture dearly, as they seek for their deep connection with earth to acquire new knowledge to advance in life. To Western civilizations the main goal is to advance humanity forward through technological and medical advancements, which worries Hogan because that approach rids of an enriching knowledge and way of thinking. For instance, in “A Different Yield,” Hogan highlights how it is just not humans who hold different approaches, but as well do animals. Everyone is fighting for survival, but each have different needs to satisfy. For example, the pigs she entails to eat away at the corn kernels that fall onto the ground, is done in a way that they are able to hear every ear of corn, appreciating their existence and learning their language(48). This contrasts to the humans who are picking at the corn, as all they hear is the wind whistling through the cornfield, although, to Hogan, it sounds as if the ears of corn are whispering amongst each

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