Drug Testing Welfare Research Paper

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Drug Testing Welfare Recipients. There is much talk in todays society to reconstruct the welfare system. In the past years, many have spoken on how the welfare system is abused and should be much more regulated. The talk consists of regulating the system by administering drug screening during the time that you receive the government help. “The system is to assist citizens who are not able to support themselves or their families due to unemployment, underemployment, hardship, unskilled labor capacity, disability, or other similar reasons” (Welfareinfo). At least thirteen states have passed laws regarding to the testing or screening of illegal narcotics and those states are (Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Michigan, …show more content…
Drug screening welfare recipients has many benefits that could help todays economy. With being in debt $18,152,809,942,589 (concordcoalition) catching those recipients who abuse drugs could potentially save the government money. It wouldn’t just help the economy it could also help the job market too by creating jobs. With hiring people to test the welfare receivers and catch the abusers you would be able to use the money you are saving from the abusers and pay those who are working. Although courts have been skeptical about such laws, legislators say they don't want taxpayer money to subsidize illegal behavior. Colorado state Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg told the Associated Press "If you have enough money to buy drugs, then you don't need the public assistance" …show more content…
Testing welfare receivers could be a great way to help states save money and create new projects that could potentially create more jobs. According to (SV Herald) it is estimated that the states could save 1.7 million dollars by taking people off welfare that use it for illegal uses (thedailycourgar). Of course with the states kicking the people off of welfare who are abusing it can also open up opportunities for those who are really in need of the assistance. Drug testing is a real chance for the states to start enforcing the rules of the assistance and cracking down on those who are abusing it and don’t truly need it. Drug testing is a great way to help the states and government save money. It is also a great way for states to crack down and enforce the rules on people who have been abusing the assistance. Welfare has been abused by many years now and its time to start enforcing the rules on it and keep those who don’t deserve it out and let those who deserve it in. Its time to make a change and give those who deserve the opportunities a

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