Success is not the advancement of the white male through society, but it is the advancement of all genders, races, nationalities, and ethnicities through society as a whole. Discrimination in America was an unintended result of our nation 's drive for success, being prevalent in society since the nation was born, which led to war, depressions, and revolts of tremendous size and aftermath. In American history the only way discrimination has been overcome is through the joint desire for all members of society to flourish instead of only one demographic. Discrimination is still prevalent in American society, even in the twenty first century. Countless riots in dozens of cities across the nation have occurred, typically in response to white men killing black teenage boys. The issue has become intensified, with movie star Will Smith pleading ¨It’s a lot of people’s fault, systemic racism, and it’s a lot of people’s fault that the black community is in the situation that we’re in, but it’s our responsibility to clean up the mess.¨ (Smith, …show more content…
Yes, this does seem like some horribly false propaganda to demote discrimination, but it is not. Through various psychological studies and experiments, it is conclusive that ¨harboring racist feelings in a multicultural society causes daily stress; this kind of stress can lead to chronic problems like cancer, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes¨ whereas ¨people who had positive attitudes about people of other races responded to interracial interactions in ways that were happy, healthy, and adaptive.” (Smith, Jeremy A.). If these differences placed on us by the society we grew up in were put behind us, the nation would be less stressed out as well as less susceptible to life threatening diseases. Not being racist will literally make our country healthier and even with various studies proving this, we still change nothing about our nation. The leaders of this country are too focused on how we stack up against other countries, ensuring that we remained involved in any international affair on the globe. Yet, this power will not matter at all if the country is slowly killing itself, with the lower class being discriminated against. Growing up we are continuously taught that our government is the most stable and dominant in the world. If this is continually taught, then this claim should be upheld. Recognizing this is Jeremy Smith