In the motion picture A Night to Remember, the crew members were often seen working whether it was being on the look out for the iceberg, working in the steam room until it was nearly fully flooded or playing music to “soothes the nerves” (MacQuitty. W.) of the passengers. The crew members worked until the ship was nearly entirely submerged in the Atlantic, in order to show their dedication to their work and the Titanic. In comparison, in the “RMS Titanic” the band members were singing hymn songs “Oh hear us when we cry to thee, for those in peril on the sea”(Baldwin, 402). The crew members in the article seem to be more interested in themselves than saving the passengers when compared to A Night To Remember. The crew members placed special emphasis on assisting the passengers than themselves because they recognized that it was their job. “Oh madam let me help” (MacQuitty. W.) was a constant cry from the workers to ensure the passenger’s safety. Even though there are conflicting viewpoints on the crew members, both the article and motion picture had areas in which the crew members behaviour was the same. Both crew members on the Titanic lowered lifeboats into the ocean that were not filled to capacity. This was a grave mistake seeing that the lifeboats had the ability to save 1,178 opposed to the 711 that were rescued, leaving nearly 1529
In the motion picture A Night to Remember, the crew members were often seen working whether it was being on the look out for the iceberg, working in the steam room until it was nearly fully flooded or playing music to “soothes the nerves” (MacQuitty. W.) of the passengers. The crew members worked until the ship was nearly entirely submerged in the Atlantic, in order to show their dedication to their work and the Titanic. In comparison, in the “RMS Titanic” the band members were singing hymn songs “Oh hear us when we cry to thee, for those in peril on the sea”(Baldwin, 402). The crew members in the article seem to be more interested in themselves than saving the passengers when compared to A Night To Remember. The crew members placed special emphasis on assisting the passengers than themselves because they recognized that it was their job. “Oh madam let me help” (MacQuitty. W.) was a constant cry from the workers to ensure the passenger’s safety. Even though there are conflicting viewpoints on the crew members, both the article and motion picture had areas in which the crew members behaviour was the same. Both crew members on the Titanic lowered lifeboats into the ocean that were not filled to capacity. This was a grave mistake seeing that the lifeboats had the ability to save 1,178 opposed to the 711 that were rescued, leaving nearly 1529