Difference Between Anthropocentric And Untrumental Valuing Of Nature

Improved Essays
n Hettinger’s (2012/1998) essay, he defines anthropocentric value as nature that is valuable for the use of humans (pg. 119). In addition, he defines anthropogenic value as the noninstrumental valuing of nature (Hettinger, 2012/1998). Moreover, this essay will include a brief discussion on the difference between anthropocentric and anthropogenic value. Furthermore, I will follow with an example of an anthropogenic value that is not anthropocentric. According to Hettinger (2012/1998), the difference between anthropocentric and anthropogenic value is the noninstrumental and instrumental value humans place on nature (pg. 119). More specifically, noninstrumental value is the value of something that is not directly valuable for human use. For instance, the Venus Flytrap. Although we do not yield any direct type of value from the Venus Flytrap, they are a valuable component in a food chain and they know their prey (Jabr, 2010). …show more content…
In addition, this essay included a brief discussion on the difference between anthropocentric and anthropogenic value. Furthermore, from my perspective, polar bears and mars are examples of an anthropogenic value that is not anthropocentric. References:
Hettinger, N. (2012). Comments on Holmes Rolston’s “Naturalizing Values.” In L.P. Pojman & P. Pojman (Eds.), Environmental ethics: Readings in theory and application, (6th ed., pp. 119-122). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Inc. (Reprinted from Environmental ethics: Readings in theory and application, (1998)).
Jabr, F. (2010, March 14). How Does a Venus Flytrap Work? Retrieved from Scienceline: http://scienceline.org/2010/03/how-does-a-venus-flytrap-work/
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. (2015, December 8). Endangered Species Act. Retrieved from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service:

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