He awoke with anxiety. No one could be seen in the distance, so he stood quietly and waited for the enemy to return fire. However, no shots were returned. The sniper fell back to sleep only to be awoken minutes later by a man standing over him. A knife had been pressed against his throat, waiting for the moment it would be able to murder its next victim (Personification). The sniper accosting death, did not fright. He ripped the knife out of the Republicans hand and viciously stabbed the man in the throat. The sniper spit on the man's forehead, showing no respect for his enemy. He gawked at the lifeless man and stared in awe at his motley uniform. The camouflage had now been drowned in red (Imagery). By now the explosions in the background signaled that the war had begun once again. An enemy tank rounded the corner of the street. The bright lights of the tank glimmered on the uniform of the sniper. Quickly, the sniper dove into a nearby alley. He crept from alley to alley undetected. He acted so sly, as if he were a snake quietly approaching its prey. He then reached a street that had been bombarded with enemy tanks and gunners. Laying belly down on the ground, he assembled his sniper on its
He awoke with anxiety. No one could be seen in the distance, so he stood quietly and waited for the enemy to return fire. However, no shots were returned. The sniper fell back to sleep only to be awoken minutes later by a man standing over him. A knife had been pressed against his throat, waiting for the moment it would be able to murder its next victim (Personification). The sniper accosting death, did not fright. He ripped the knife out of the Republicans hand and viciously stabbed the man in the throat. The sniper spit on the man's forehead, showing no respect for his enemy. He gawked at the lifeless man and stared in awe at his motley uniform. The camouflage had now been drowned in red (Imagery). By now the explosions in the background signaled that the war had begun once again. An enemy tank rounded the corner of the street. The bright lights of the tank glimmered on the uniform of the sniper. Quickly, the sniper dove into a nearby alley. He crept from alley to alley undetected. He acted so sly, as if he were a snake quietly approaching its prey. He then reached a street that had been bombarded with enemy tanks and gunners. Laying belly down on the ground, he assembled his sniper on its