Delinquency In Juvenile Drug Courts

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The use of drugs amongst teenagers is a remarkable problem and therefore, there is an undeniable link between drugs and delinquency. Juvenile drug courts were created in the early 1990’s to rehabilitate substance abusing juveniles in order to work toward a long-term success and eliminate delinquency. Juvenile drug courts intended purposes is to reply as quickly as possible to delinquent activity so offenders are held accountable and intervention can occur in order to provide treatment (Fagin 2016:316). Youths admitted into this program are required to be under intense and consistent judicial supervision. They also receive support services which are necessary to designate the issues that caused the juveniles to become involved in the juvenile system. Juvenile drug courts were created for the purpose of rehabilitation and intend to deter future adult criminality by decreasing the number of juveniles with substance use problems. The research on juvenile drugs courts supports the claim that this type of court is effective through proper therapy and treatment. Parental substance abuse can have negative effects on children such as being victims of violence, child abuse, and neglect. Thus, causing psychological and behavioral problems that can lead to risky behavior which might lead to abusing substances. Often times children that live …show more content…
This program also focuses on reducing substance abuse, delinquency, and future adult crimes amongst juveniles (Carter & Barker 2011:2). One of the intended purposes juvenile drug courts program helps to address the underlying issues that contribute to the juvenile's involvement with the juvenile drug court system. These are the issues due to being subjected to exposure to drug dependency because foster care youth have been previously been maltreated and lack of reunification with their

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