Let’s look at dehumanized Victims. Victims are people that are harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action and our event would be the Holocaust, so obviously this would cause some major problems to these victims. Effects of dehumanization is that the person can start to lose a sense of themselves as a whole. In the book Night, Elie Wiesel said “Moishe was not the same. The joy in his …show more content…
Perpetrators are people who carry out harmful, illegal, or immoral acts. Most of these people might have had a good reason or in their case a good reason for their acts and normally that’s what people overlook the most when it comes to this horrific event but they don’t realize that perpetrators are also affected by dehumanization. Near the end of the book one charcoal says, “I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people.” (Night, pg. 81) This quote isn’t necessarily said by a perpetrator but by a victim though making the decision to use it anyway. The man that is talking knows that Hitler has kept his promises and the only way he has achieved that I by becoming a dictator who rules with an iron fist. He keeps control over the nazis and takes away things they love in which that dehumanizes them. Hitler Created this army of dead moral qualities and trained them to his …show more content…
Bystanders are people who are present at an event or incident but does not take part in it. Most bystanders want nothing to do with the situation at hand and most just don’t have the courage to do something and just like those bystanders were the ones in the concentration camps that really truly wanted to help but were afraid of getting hurt if they did so. Moishe (from the first paragraph) spoke with young Elie of what people thought of him saying, “‘They think I’m mad.’ He whispered, and tears like drops of wax flowed down from his eyes” (Night, pg. 7) Moishe spoke of the people that lived in the ghetto with him, the people who did not believe him.They just stood by and watched him get taken away but when he came back to tell his story every turned their backs on him because he was just a paranoid guy but they didn’t see what he saw, they didn’t live it. Watch people die right in front of you changes things but the bystanders could never understand that trauma because they look the other