Obviously there’s a huge difference between when one of our founding fathers penned “Declaration of Independence”, and Amy’s lyrically heart-breaking song but both authors proclaim this sense of self-righteousness, and claim independence from the men who did them wrong -- whether …show more content…
Amy sings about the dead end situation within her relationship by stating, “We hit a wall, so this is inevitable withdrawal. Even if I stop wanting you and perspective pushes through... I cannot play myself again, I should just be my own best friend.” The wall she sings about is a fundamental breakdown within their relationship that is resulting in this inevitable end. Even if she loses these feelings and comes to her senses she can’t fool herself to falling back into this toxic pattern again, and she’d much rather be an independent woman who doesn’t need a man. Later on she describes her ex lover as the sun by saying, “When he walks away, he takes the day… Your shadow covers me the sky above ablaze.” After everything comes to an end she would rather say goodbye to her sun and be covered in a shadow of despair and desolation with her world falling apart than fall victim to this mistreatment. Thomas Jefferson conveys his frustration of his shady leader as well by writing, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government… Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.” In simpler terms, Jefferson is …show more content…
Obviously not the winged eyeliner nor the drug addiction tendencies, yet I argue some of their most well known and popular work is almost parallel when taken out of context. Thomas Jefferson’s “Declaration of Independence,” and Amy Winehouse 's, “Tears Dry on Their Own,” show direct correlations between taking a stand, finding their independence, and being tired of shady men in their lives playing