Existential Death Anxiety

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Death used to be perceived as an abrupt, sudden event that was caused by a severe and unanticipated occurrence. However, this apprehension began to change throughout the second half of the 20th century, as people started to live longer lives and died from more degenerative diseases. Because of this, death became much less of a sudden surprise and much more of an accepted result of life. However, just because death is expected, that does not make it any less of a painful experience to those involved. When someone dies, the chain of affected people is made-up of many. A few examples of those who are affected would be immediate family members, friends, and co-workers as well as the nurses who worked with a deceased patient, a news anchor covering a tragic accident involving a death, or the funeral director that is guiding a family who had just lost a loved one. This shows that the scope of people one death can affect is vast. One way society has learned to cope with this inevitability of experiencing death in our everyday lives is humor. “Death-oriented humor, or humor that is more specifically relevant to a death and=or grieving situation, has the potential to be both positive, negative, or both.” This paper will explore the correlation between humor and death on the topics of who death related humor is good for, the positive and negatives of death orientated humor, as well as how humor-related death is used by society today. To begin, it must be understood what humor is. One definition, states narrowly, that humor is a mitigation or balance between the release of hedonistic pleasure and the barriers of societal constraints. However, another definition expands on what has already been indicated earlier and adds that, “Humor, by definition, is an emotion-focused coping strategy, often enacted to create feelings of amusement and generate positive emotions in the self and others.” This shows that tears and laughter can be similarly liberating when times get hard and it is difficult to cope. When dealing with death, humor can trigger one’s emotions and allow them to feel some sort of enjoyment while not completely avoiding the subject of death as a whole. On the other hand, in Joseph Richman’s article in the Journal of Death and Dying he states that, “Depression, despair, panic states, and their connection to death are not the usual occasions for humor.” However, he recants by continuing on with, “Nevertheless, laughter can help us confront these emotions and deal more fruitfully with problems in living.” In conclusion, although humor may not be most appropriate around times of death, it can act as a coping technique when dealing with the grief of death. Death takes a toll on people in two main ways. …show more content…
The first way death takes a toll on someone is by uncertainty of it. To be clear, it is certain that we will all die, however, it is the: who, what, when, how, and what now questions that cause anxiety about death. “The inevitability, irreversibility, and permanence of death create anxiety in all individuals at some time in life.” Two types of anxiety that emerge in the face of death are existential death anxiety and tangible death anxiety. Existential death anxiety’s main component is the unknown. This form of death anxiety feeds on the basic knowledge and awareness of human mortality combined with the uncertainty of what happens after death. Tangible death anxiety’s main component is the known. This form of death anxiety deals with the fate of the body or anxiety about the body as it is dying. “The inevitability of death is both a threat to meaning and existence as well as an opportunity.” Furthermore, the second way in which death takes a toll on a person is through the grieving process after someone has lost someone close to him or her. The grieving process is influenced by many different personal and situational factors, and may be extended or fairly brief. Situational factors that may impact how well someone might cope with death are the suddenness and cause of the death, the relationship that was had with the person who died, or the time that has passed since the death. Additionally, individuals follow differing paths of coping whether it is consciously or unconsciously. Humor can help when dealing with death in a variety of ways. A couple of the ways humor plays a

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