This was largely because they saw “their problem mainly as one of national oppression” rather than oppression against women (10/72 doc. readings topic 6). These beliefs along with the mentality of white women that they were “more oppressed then” those living in the ghetto added to the separation among women in the movement (10/72 doc. readings topic 6). This division proved to be one of the movement’s most harmful failures because it could not reach its full potential if there was division within its core. Though division proved to be a failure in feminism, black women nonetheless persisted and founded the Black Women’s Alliance in New York to speak for themselves. Therefore, when you look at these events together they are a success in the timeline of feminism because both black and white women persisted and helped to transform women’s rights through different activist …show more content…
Even though they were working towards the same goal, many activist leaders and groups brought a level of division among the movement by using different tactics to achieve the same goal. A primary division surfaced between activist leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., who used nonviolent tactics like sit-ins and marches, and the Black Panther Party, who used violent tactics like arming themselves with weapons to protect black communities. King attempted to unite the communities and dissolve division by urging people to use nonviolent acts because he believed that “the means [they] use must be as pure as the ends [they] seek” and that “it is wrong to use immoral means to attain moral ends” (13/65 doc. readings topic 5). However, this proved difficult because his peaceful tactics were not leading to the retribution and the empowerment of black people that the Black Panther Party wanted from the movement. The Black Panthers believed that this could only be achieved using “black power” to stir action among black communities and by having “black people… define their own goals” rather than letting their futures be determined by white people (46/65 doc. readings topic 5). Nonetheless, the peaceful actions of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the aggressive actions of the Black Panther