Daniel Shay Rebellion

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The founding fathers had a vision, a vision that all men are created equal, no matter what. there shouldn't be an all white school and an all colored school. People being allowed to eat wherever they want and not have to deal with racism. People in general should have the same rights as the person next to them. Doesn't matter what gender you are, or what color skin you have, we are all people. During King George the third rule in the colonies, there were a lot of things going wrong. Such as equality. After the French and Indian war, Britain was left with no money so, to make money faster King George the third started passing taxes. These taxes were being voted for in Britain and then the colonies who had no say were
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So, to make more money America started taxing its people. Many farmers found it hard to pay the taxes. If you couldn't pay the taxes you lost your home. As a result to this America faced its first problem. Daniel shay was a northerner who led a rebellion. Attacking an arsenal and getting supplies there was an attempt to stop taxes. This being the first problem america really faced was hard. George Washington who was president at the time had a decision. Allow for the rioting to continue or put a stop to it. By putting a stop to it George Washington signaled that America was going to be different. Before the constitution there were the Articles Of Confederacy. The Articles of Confederacy served as the first constitution. The articles themselves were unjust and not clear . Many people didn’t seem to listen to the articles, and felt that overall the articles needed to be gone. When the constitution was written, it was written so that the rules of our nation would be quick and easy to understand. The constitution itself was made for the people by the people. “ We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice…”. The whole goal of America in the beginning was to make the Union …show more content…
This speech was to show America that this war wasn't for nothing. Men didn’t die in vain, they died for what they believe in. The speech itself stole the spotlight from a man who was supposed to be the great motivational speaker ever. Winning this war made America stronger than it had been. By showing that the country could once again become a proud nation and work towards the future. Devastation was brought after the war, is what broke the hearts of many. The death of their beloved president who got them through one of the hardest times in our nation's history. After Lincoln's death it was hard to move on with life and even though slavery was ended Jim Crow laws become legal. Plessy vs Ferguson was a case that showed that people got so worked up about segregation that a man who was ⅛ black wasn’t allowed to ride in a white man's

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