Canto XVIII pouch consist of flatterers who are entrenched in shit. This contrapasso fits well with the vice because flatterers generously praised others, often insincerely. Essentially saying their words are full or shit so, it only makes sense they are covered in shit for the rest of time. As this is one of the last levels of Hell Dante has seen a lot of sins and punishments on this journey. However, unlike the past punishments Dante doesn’t question Virgil or feel pity in any way, instead he searches filth to recognize someone “I saw one there whose head was so befouled with shit, you couldn’t tell which one he was” (Canto XVIII, 107-108). Dante’s opinion made a complete 360 from before where he felt pity for the sinners and lacked the reasoning behind the punishment. Despite Hell being a place with only pain and punishment through Dante’s curiosity with the Inferno we can infer that he understands that God’s love manifests in the detail of the punishments and the concept of Hell itself. If God did not love all his children, even the sinners, then he would not look to guide them and set them on the right path. God created this complex form of Hell to teach the sinners a lesson and guide them to the right path. In other words, Hell doesn’t consist of God’s love, but it is God’s
Canto XVIII pouch consist of flatterers who are entrenched in shit. This contrapasso fits well with the vice because flatterers generously praised others, often insincerely. Essentially saying their words are full or shit so, it only makes sense they are covered in shit for the rest of time. As this is one of the last levels of Hell Dante has seen a lot of sins and punishments on this journey. However, unlike the past punishments Dante doesn’t question Virgil or feel pity in any way, instead he searches filth to recognize someone “I saw one there whose head was so befouled with shit, you couldn’t tell which one he was” (Canto XVIII, 107-108). Dante’s opinion made a complete 360 from before where he felt pity for the sinners and lacked the reasoning behind the punishment. Despite Hell being a place with only pain and punishment through Dante’s curiosity with the Inferno we can infer that he understands that God’s love manifests in the detail of the punishments and the concept of Hell itself. If God did not love all his children, even the sinners, then he would not look to guide them and set them on the right path. God created this complex form of Hell to teach the sinners a lesson and guide them to the right path. In other words, Hell doesn’t consist of God’s love, but it is God’s