A lot of the time Taoism was been bundled with religions and philosophies like Buddhism and even Confucianism. All three philosophies have their similarities but are vastly different from eachother. This was mostly done in the confusion of their similarities in addition to missionaries combining the three to help promote their philosophies. Another issue with the spread of Taoism is that most Purist Taoists fell that if you truly wish to learn about Taoism one should come to them so missionaries were almost none existent. However with modern times and people moving all over the world the philosophy and religion known as Taoism spread with …show more content…
Our country can also benefit from this arrangement. Many of the teaching that the Tao Te Ching and Lao Tzu has left for us can help Americans and our government in how they conduct their daily tasks. Lao Tzu had three things he wanted to teach above all else. These were simplicity, patience, and compassion. (Jacobus 214) Each of these three aspects can be applied to both big government down to personal happiness. Simplicity can help lead someone down a path that isn’t traveled anymore to get what they need done in a way that promotes a stress free environment, while government can also get more done faster with simpler and more easily understood processes. Patience can lead people to a more relaxed life. Keeping people from becoming anxious can prevent them from dwelling on negative thoughts while they wait. Compassion should he used to help understand others around you. Knowing how they view and feel about subjects can help one to understand their ways to reduce any misconceptions or tension between the two parties. The easiest example of how Taoism can help Americans is how you should begin by appreciating who you are and what you have more then who you want to be and what you want. This simple philosophy can help people to not only seek happiness in what is already theirs but also to keep people from making decisions they might regret, be it personal or