Violence In The Hawken Middle School

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Violence has been a way for people to express their emotions throughout history. Everyone has experience violence at least one part in their life. An extreme case of violence is occurring in the Hawken Middle School. Hawken has been a very profound and a well-known school for many consecutive years. However, they are currently experiencing daily incidents in which students are harmed by their fellow peers. Teachers are currently solving this case by suspending students, but that has not worked out well. Despite this circumstance, there is still another way to solve this problem. By using the main teachings of Taoism, these incidents shall be eliminated.

A fundamental aspect of Taoism is Wu Wei or simply, inaction. Wu Wei teaches people
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Students at Hawken experience a very rigorous workload, which could cause distress to students because they want to perform well for themselves and for their families. With this buildup of stress, the easiest way to release it is by violence. The Taoist concept of One-self helps relieve stress because it connect yourself with nature creating serenity and harmony through Tai Chi. Many Taoist would say, “Be like the forces of nature; when it blows, there is only wind; when it rains, there is only rain…If you open yourself to the Tao, you are at one with the Tao and can embody it completely. Open yourself then trust your natural responses; and everything will fall into place” (Lao Tzu, 23). This explains what it means to be with one-self; by flowing with nature or natural order. To align yourself with the natural order, you must make sure that your qi, a life-force that flows through all life, is strong enough to keep you centered. Stress causes people to deviate from their natural order and when they do deviate, they will bring destruction to themselves and possibly others. The solution to reduce stress is to implement a short Tai Chi session, so that students are able to stay at the center of the circle and let all things take its course. This teaches the student to “be content with himself, he doesn’t need others approval. Accepts the world, the whole world accepts him” (Lao Tzu, 30). As the students begin to enhance their qi and align with the universe, they will see peace. Therefore, violence will

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