Comparing Sophocles Antigone And Oedipus The King

Superior Essays
A Leader’s Effectiveness
There are many traits that make a leader effective, but not every leader has the same level of effectiveness on his/her people. In Sophocles’ Antigone and Oedipus the King, Oedipus and Creon are both seen as effective leaders; however, Oedipus was the most effective King of Thebes because he cares about his citizens, is responsible, and he is respected by the citizens of Thebes. An effective leader displays sympathy for his/her people and genuinely cares about them. In Oedipus the King, Oedipus shows empathy towards the citizens of Thebes when he says, “But my spirit grieves for the city, for myself and all of you” (Sophocles lines 75-76). Oedipus truly cared about the fact his citizens were dying, and he genuinely
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In Oedipus the King, Oedipus was confident in his ability to accurately answer the Sphinx’s riddle, which earned him the vacant throne in Thebes and the right to marry Jocasta. After becoming the king of Thebes, Oedipus took on the responsibility of finding a cure for the plague in a time of crisis, and he refused to stop until he found the person who was guilty of killing Laius. Many people have the same thoughts about what being an effective leader means: “A leader is supposed to take on responsibility for his people, and despite his [Oedipus] pride and high temper, he was a good king/leader” (“Is Oedipus a True Leader?”). The citizens of Thebes admired Oedipus for his drive to find the culprit. However, some may argue that Creon was just as responsible as Oedipus when it came to ruling Thebes. By refusing to bury Polyneices, Creon thought he was being responsible because he was not burying a traitor. Additionally, he thought that by punishing Antigone, he was making the right decision: “When a person does what he is supposed to do, he receives whatever credit and remuneration he deserves, and if he fails to do his task, he is appropriately punished” (“Plato’s Just State”). Creon was reluctant to take responsibility for his wrongdoings and simply admit he did not make wise decisions. Unlike Creon, Oedipus accepted responsibility and paid for his crime by blinding himself and living in exile: “He …show more content…
But since the two rarely come together, anyone compelled to choose will find greater security in being feared than in being loved” (Machiavelli 60). Creon and Oedipus were both respected leaders, but in different ways. In Sophocles’ plays, Oedipus and Creon are depicted as effective leaders; however, they do not share the same reasons. Oedipus is the most effective leader of the two because he is sympathetic towards his people, is liable, and he is greatly admired by Thebans. While Creon was an effective leader, he failed to make himself well-liked, whereas Oedipus accomplished that within the first day of his arrival in Thebes, but he continued to earn everyone’s respect over the next few years. Being an effective leader requires patience and time; it is not an easy thing to

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