This and his background of being a journalist probably caused the uninvolved, detached, and restrained vibe that comes from his writing. His plots would often drone on in a repetitious manner like in this paragraph from“Soldiers Home”, “He did not want to get into the intrigue and the politics. He did not want to have to do any courting. He did not want to tell any more lies.” Fitzgerald however, satirized money, class, and this generation's constant pursuit of a material future. Fitzgerald's plots are fast and easy to read. Something interesting Fitzgerald does in “Winter Dreams” is that he, or the narrator, is almost a separate persona in the story, as he occasionally steps back from the plot and speaks directly to the reader, giving his critical perspective on the characters or on the action. This is unlike Hemingway because it creates a closeness to the reader rather than a
This and his background of being a journalist probably caused the uninvolved, detached, and restrained vibe that comes from his writing. His plots would often drone on in a repetitious manner like in this paragraph from“Soldiers Home”, “He did not want to get into the intrigue and the politics. He did not want to have to do any courting. He did not want to tell any more lies.” Fitzgerald however, satirized money, class, and this generation's constant pursuit of a material future. Fitzgerald's plots are fast and easy to read. Something interesting Fitzgerald does in “Winter Dreams” is that he, or the narrator, is almost a separate persona in the story, as he occasionally steps back from the plot and speaks directly to the reader, giving his critical perspective on the characters or on the action. This is unlike Hemingway because it creates a closeness to the reader rather than a