It is hard for them to talk and see eye to eye in any situation. Because Vladek lived through the Holocaust, he has a different understanding about the world and money. When Vladek was in Auschwitz he become extremely resourceful, eating half of his food and trading the other half for favors from others in the camp. This trait stayed with him after the war; Vladek now believing it’s okay to tape a cereal box back up and taking it back to the store so that it wouldn’t go to waste. One-day Art and Vladek was walking when Vladek looked down and saw a telephone wire saying “it’s very hard to find”. According to Art, Vladek “always picks up trash”, and ask Vladek couldn’t he just buy the wire (Spiegelman 116). Another day Art come over with a new tape recorder when Vladek ask how much it could Art told him 75 dollars. Vladek then went on to say “pssh, at Korvettes you could find it for – maximum- 35 dollars” (Spiegelman 73). Art on the other hand was born after the Holocaust and didn’t have to go through the same things as his father did. This is one of the reasons they have a strained relationship. But to blame one and not the other is like saying, I failed my class because my teacher is a hard grader and not that you didn’t turn in half of your …show more content…
It can be said Art was looking for affection from his father. Others may say that Vladek mind was stuck in the past not wanting or unable to bring his mind to the present with Art. Vladek mind is still living in war, being incapable to change to the surroundings, as he is still trying to save and hide his money, counting his pills (Spiegelman 40). It can also be said Art and his father loved one another but didn’t know how to express their love to one another; being incapable to share their pain they feel for each other. Many survivors of a traumatic experience may keep their memories locked away, not talking about what happened to basically anyone and when they do it’s hard for them. Vladek keeping everything bottled up started to effect his and Art’s relationship. On one hand Art and Vladek love one another and hated on the other. When Art finds out Vladek burn his mother, Anja, diaries because he was trying to escape the pain of Anja death; Art say to becomes upset yelling “God Damn you! You- you murderer! How the hell could you do such a thing” (Spiegelman 159). Even through Art was angry with his father when he thought his father had a heart attack Art came to his father side to make sure he was doing