Comparing Dante And Augustine's Spiritual Journey

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You may found yourself asking what is a spiritual journey and what is the meaning or purpose for it. A spiritual journey can be something that you would do to find out who you are, what problems are in your life and also to come to peace with someone or something. There is also a spiritual journey which some may often take to get to know and come closer with God. Dante and Augustine both take on the similar journey to get closer to God, divine love and grace. While on their journey they were influenced by a man Virgil whom was a Roman Poet of the Aeneid. Even Dante and Augustine have different representation of their journey they both go through this journey very similarly and for the same reasons. Similar to Augustine in the story the Divine Comedy Dante’s journey starts lost in the darkness of the woods with a poet who portrays lost spiritual in sin. He says that he does not recall how he …show more content…
In Augustine early life he turns his back on God and has these desires that he struggles with and he also had the needs of flesh. He talks about the darkness he went through at at early age ,which was was similar to Dante’s habits in his dark woods of sin. Augustine talks about his many sins with unlikeness which causes him become lost without purpose or direction. His void which he stated that made him feel hopelessly lost says “ And I perceived myself to be far off from Thee in the region of unlikeness”(134). St Augustine confession represents a more physical journey but both of them agree that a spiritual connection is necessary for the human soul to closeness with God. In Book VI is an example is stated “Even now after the descent of Life to you will ye not ascend and live? But wither ascend ye, when ye are on high and set your mouth against the heavens. Descend that ye may ascend and ascend God. For ye Fallen, by ascending against him.

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