Compare And Contrast The Lamb And The Tyger

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“The Lamb” and “The Tyger” are two of William Blake’s works which come from two of Blake’s most famous collections of poetry: Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Both poems speak about the creation of different beasts at the hand of a single creator. In these two poems William Black makes the reader question who creates good and bad. How can god make something so nice and delicate and on the other hand something so fearful at the same time, and why did the creator create two opposite things? The author compares himself and the lamb being created by the same power. The characters include a child and the lamb. The lamb is one of the least of God 's creations, feared by none, and, all too frequently, an unprotecting sacrifice. “Gave …show more content…
The poem, “The Lamb” revolves around the question of “Who made it?” The child begins by asking the lamb the rhetorical question “Dost thou know who made thee” (line 2). The lamb does not answer so the child goes on to list the gifts that he is blessed with such as life, clothing, and tender voice given to him by the creator. The child knows who created the lamb. In the second verse the speaker tells the reader the answer to the rhetorical question from the first verse. The creator is God due to the fact that the poem ends with the child saying “Little lamb, God bless thee!”(Line 20) In this poem the lamb represents Jesus who is good thereby making the lamb …show more content…
For example the Lamb is from the Songs of Innocence which has a sweet and settle tone gives the reader bright and innocent mood while the Songs of Experience is dark and sinister. One of the main different between the lamb and the tyger is, the lamb poem started with question and finished the poem with a clear answer. On the other hand, the tyger started with question and end up by unclear answer. Also, in the lamb we have a narrator who is a child questioning the lamb whereas on the tyger there is no narrative action other than the author questioning the tyger about who made it. Also, the lamb is conncted with Christian religion and focus on god. “The Lamb” is more focused towards a child’s depiction of life, whereas “The Tyger” depicted life in a much more realistic and painful

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