Compare And Contrast Mongolian And Roman Empires

Improved Essays
The Mongolian and Roman Empires were both vast and expansive empires. Both societies were able to accomplish tasks that no other empire had previously achieved. Although both empires were extremely successful in very similar ways, there were many differences between the two vast empires. This paper will explore both the similarities and differences between the two sprawling empires. Similarities The first example of the similarities between the two empires is the way they treated subjugated empires. Both the Mongols and Rome tolerated the conquered people of different empires. This allowed the empire to expand rapidly, because other empires knew that they would be allowed to freely worship and live the life they did before they were conquered. …show more content…
Because of the different army compositions, some tactics that were available to one empire were not available to the other. This is why the tactics used by each empire are extremely different. The Romans used a revolutionary battle formation called a Testudo. In a Testudo, Roman men would lock their shields on top and at the side of their regiment, almost like a tortoises shell. This shell was used to block incoming fire and gave the Roman men an extremely safe way to advance on the battle field. This tactic was especially effective when besieging walled cities. The Mongols fought battles in a completely different way. The Mongolian men would encircle the enemy on horseback and pelt the enemies using their bow and arrows. After the enemy army was loosened up enough the Mongols would charge right into them, killing the rest. This was a major difference between the two societies. In conclusion, Rome and the Mongols were both very similar and different in many different ways. These societies both prospered by using incredibly advanced tactics and a massive army, but each society lived in different ways. These two societies were able to accomplish great things in similar ways, but had a completely different and diverse

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