Society: The Mesopotamia and the Egyptian society were extremely different because of their different geographic locations. The Mesopotamia civilizations started to appeared in the middle of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and the Egyptian Civilizations started to emerge among the Nile; the geographic location plays a important role in their society because the Egyptian civilization had flood regularly while the Mesopotamia civilizations did not, which make the Egyptians extremely happier about their God (king) and glad to live on their land, while Mesopotamians were always sad and pessimistic. Another point is that Egyptians was surrounded by the Sahara …show more content…
At that time the society believed that the king was the God in life or choose by the Gods to occupy that position, so the king were responsible for political effects as well as religion effects. The Mesopotamia civilizations blamed their God for all the disasters on their land, they believed that the Gods did not care about their people, and also that the afterlife would be just as bad as their life; while the Egyptian civilizations believed that the Gods did care about them, and helped them because of the regularity of the floods, also they believed in a process of mummification their of bodies to reincarnate in a better life. These civilizations also had different formats of