In John Steinbeck’s East of Eden, Steinbeck is constantly using diction, syntax, and other rhetorical strategies to sway his readers’ opinion of characters. Not only does Steinbeck set up images of characters in the minds of readers, but he also leads readers to follow the subtle, yet effective, character parallels throughout the novel. For example, Adam Trask parallels his son Aron Trask; Charles Trask, Adam’s brother, parallels Cal Trask, another one of Adam’s sons. Quite often, readers are able to base their “good” or “bad” judgement of a character on who they are found to be paralleled to. In East of Eden, an overlooked and untouched character parallel is between Alice Trask, Adam’s step-mother, and Cathy Ames, Adam’s wife.…
Two young men from the inner city part of Baltimore, Maryland located right on the boarder that separated Maryland from Washington, DC found each other as one of the young men developed a weird connection with another young man that he had never met before. Sharing the same exact name as him with the feeling that this connection was destiny being from the same exact area, only visiting the prison a couple times Wes Moore (Wes 1) was able to see that they lived somewhat of a similar but different life style. Sharing many of the same experiences, but one handling situations different from the other which was the main reason they sat on opposite sides of the table one being the visitor and one being the visited. The other Wes Moore (Wes 2) would have no opportunity to life on the outside as he served a life sentence with his brother Tony for killing a police officer named Bruce Prothero as they tried to rob a jewelry store, both having multiple offense before this. Meanwhile…
1. How is the idea of a dictator used in Gattaca and The Lot to ensure the obedience of citizens? - The tyrant encourages individuals to strive for the same ideal as those around them, which inevitably leads to their discontent as they become fixated on their flaws whilst dismissing their individuality. - The dictator acts as a force that compels individuals to discriminate those who do not conform to society’s standards.…
When there is little food, Mother decides to take her youngest children, Rachal and Agnes to Uncle Judah’s farm in ultney. This leaves Charlie, 10 years old, and Lyddie to take care of the farm. After just a few weeks alone, they get a letter from mother saying that the farm is in debt. The only way to pay it off is to work. They seperate, she goes to a local…
Relationships between characters often give us a peek into the overall message that a book is trying to get across. This is is especially obvious between the parents and children in As I Lay Dying. This dynamic is mirrored through the implicit parental relationship between Janie and Pheoby in Their Eyes Were Watching God. The decaying relationship between Addie and Darl in As I Lay Dying represents the deterioration of the Bundren family as well as the pessimistic nature of the book, while the fulfilling relationship between Janie and Pheoby represents the growth of the characters as well as the optimistic nature of the book. Darl’s and Addie’s relationship begins in a seemingly stable place in the novel, with Darl being perceived as conflicted…
The literary device, irony, can be used for many different parts in a story. Irony plays a key role to keep a story progressing. It has the capability to, increase focus on main events, see things from a different perspective, and create suspense. Eric Wright is a remarkable author who understands how to create and use irony in a story. Wright interprets irony throughout his story Twins to develop his characters.…
Flannery O’Connor’s unique southern gothic style defies expectations of a good story in her writing Good Country People, A Good Man is Hard to Find, and Everything that Rises Must Converge. All three stories incorporate unexpected conclusions and intense conflicts. She not only met the usual expectation of an interesting plot, but skyrocketed above it. Ms. O’Connor utilized shocking endings for her stories in order to end her stories with the reader craving more.…
Subsequently after reading Divided Minds, one can be positively sure that schizophrenia is not only a day-to-day battle for its vulnerable victims, but also for the loved ones and their families. This memoir is written by a pair of identical twins, one with an incorrigible mental illness who is also an award-winning poet and the other a doctor of psychiatry. Although the sisters alternate in the telling, it is clearly Pamela's story that captivates you. As identical twins, Carolyn and Pamela were raised in a nearly identical environment.…
Flannery O'Connor is an author who consistently implements deeeper meaning into her main characters. Take for example, the grandmother featured in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.” At first, she appe ars as simply a crotchety, old, manipurlative woman, but upon further research, her demeannor appears to go back to the way she was raised and her highly religiouus roots. Similarly, the character of Mrs. Turpin is very much along the same lines. However similar they may appear, they are, in fact, equally as different.…
In the 1930s, migrant workers George and Lennie take new jobs on a farm in California bucking barley for the ranch owner and his son. In the beginning, George and Lennie discuss their past and how they have come this farm; they have come from the north where Lennie did something bad and forced the two to flee. After they arrived at the ranch, they begin their work and in the process meet the other characters; some they manage to befriend and others become enemies. The duo encounter the boss’s son Curley who threatens Lennie and they meet Curley’s wife, who George predicts will bring trouble.…
Stranger Danger “The Displaced Person” by Flannery O’Connor, was published as a story in the Sewanee review in October 1954. The setting takes places after World War 2, where some refugees from the concentration camp are resettling to a farm. The literary techniques that O’Connor uses are symbolism, imagery, and irony. She uses these techniques to state her purpose about how people should not be judged for the way they are.…
Namely, Flannery O’Connor is known for her southern gothic style and her sense of religious morbidity. O’Connor uses persistent themes of dishonesty and mockery to portray religious righteousness and the downfall of the phony throughout the majority of her short stories. In “Greenleaf”, “A Good Man Is Hard to find”, and “Good Country People” O’Connor uses religion to highlight the good and bad within society, which is reflected upon each character through deception and irony. ggggggIn “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” O’Connor uses The Misfit as a symbol of morality to highlight the Grandmother’s religious deception.…
The novel Union Atlantic is about three characters living in Massachusetts. Doug Fanning who was a war and a banker. Charlotte Graves is a retired teacher who losing control her life and Nate is a gay eighteen-year-old drug dealer. Reading this novel, I’ve notice all of these characters have in common is the fact that their lives are falling apart, in some way depend on each other’s help to fix their situations. Fuller hires Graves to be his history tutor, Fuller is in a relationship frenzy with Fanning who’s in love with someone else.…
In comparing both of these stories, the reader sees both of these women isolated themselves from the town and did not follow society’s norms; because of this, both women are almost pitied by the people in their…
Charles Bovary and George Tesman are a perfect duo to compare and contrast with a relation to today’s society. A major topic that constantly looms in the world and social media today is “What defines a man?”. To be a man, do you have to be a certain age, have a family, or a certain look, or have a major career? While reading the stories of Madame Bovary and Hedda Gabler, the constant theme is the wife cheating or lying behind the husbands back. While most men are subject to this is a relationship, both of these men have different situations that end up having the same ending.…