Essay Comparing Atticus And Boo Radley

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A person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is set in Maycomb County, Alabama in the 1930’s. One particular man named Atticus fought for what he believed in or felt was right even though many people were against him or trying to bring him down. He was on a mission to prove them wrong and make sure justice was served. Both Atticus and Boo Radley show traits of being a hero, they are admired for their acts of benevolence towards others. But Boo Radley to me is more of a hero than Atticus because of his little acts of kindness, leading up to a more heroic action.
Boo Radley was more of a restrained hero throughout the book, very caring and loving for those who he admired and will protect them no matter what it takes. Jem, Scout and
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Jem and Scout got woken up by Atticus being told to get there robes, coats and shoes on. Scout thinking its morning when it’s not, she then almost just knew that something was wrong without having to look out the window. Atticus then told them Ms Maudie's house was on fire. They looked outside their front door and saw flames coming out of her dining room windows then the town siren let out and stayed at that scream. Atticus told Jem and Scout to run to Boo Radley’s house and stay clear of the fire. As jem and Scout now stand in front of Boo Radley’s house freezes, trying to stay warm by moving or dancing and keeping themselves occupied by watching the fire and what was going on. from page 96, Atticus says, “Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn’t know it when he put the blanket around you.” This quote shows that Boo Radley was helping out Scout and Jem were freezing and in need of something warm. He was being a hero by giving them warmth and comfort in a scary crisis like this. Boo Radley always seems to be there in a time of

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