For those who sold themselves into this form of slavery because they had no other choice to provide for their families, I want to advocate for those people and show them their resources and better ways to thrive. When a woman or man is sexually exploited, I want to come beside them and help them heal. I have a passion for justice and mercy, specifically for the victims and perpetrators of human trafficking. I would like to use my social work degree in this area, so I chose this topic to fuel my passion and perseverance and to learn more about the policies and history of what I hope to work with one …show more content…
In Paris on May 8th of 1904, the first international law to focus on human trafficking was the International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic. This treaty’s intent was to provide “women of full age who have suffered abuse or compulsion, as also to women and girls under age, effective protection against the criminal traffic known as “White Slavery Traffic” (International Agreement for the Suppression of the “White Slave Traffic”)”. The settlement encouraged the states and people to be more vigilant of their surroundings and to stay protected. It worked as a preventive and assisting law more than a law looking for