The Common Core Standards are a set of national standards for each grand level for Kindergarten through twelfth grade. There are many misconceptions and much confusion about what these standards are and how they work. These standards are voluntary for states to adopt, and only forty-six states have done so. The Common Core Standards were created to help students be college and career ready. They are also aligned with international standards and will help the government accurately compare our students to those of other nations. Although the standards are new, they are not completely different than what most states previously had. They also do not regulate all learning, for now they are only English and Math standards. …show more content…
Despite the many challenges that the Common Core Standards face, they will change the way students learn across America.
Many changes are happening in the classroom due to Common Core Standards. Learning is becoming more engaging and interactive for students. With the Common Core Standards more emphasis is put on students thinking deeply on how to creatively answer a question. Before Common Core Standards most readings were fictional novels and stories, now fifty percent of all reading material must be non-fiction, starting as young as Kindergarten. Sharon Duke Estroff, from wrote, “And non-fiction was but a blip on the reading radar screen (about 3.6 minutes per school day for the average first-grader, according to a study by researchers from the University of Michigan)”. The expectations for what students learn from reading a text has also changed. Students must now understand the complete text and think critically about it in complex ways. Before Common Core Standards comprehension of the reading and a simple response was only required. With the Common Core Standards students use “close …show more content…
The first is giving teachers enough time readjust their teaching with the new standards. Professional development is vital for teachers to succeed with these new advanced standards. This includes providing new materials and an updated curriculum for teachers to utilize and the time it takes to become accustomed to them. The second challenge that the Common Core Standards face is the public’s expectations. Parents, community leaders, and educators have an anticipation that these new standards will help students succeed. It will be important for them to understand that standardized test score may be low at first while students are adjusting to this new way of learning. If communities are not prepared it could make the Common Core Standards unsuccessful before they have even gotten a chance to succeed. The main obstacle for implementing the Common Core Standards will be finding and raising the money to do so. School Districts already have a set budget and some of that money can be allocated directly into executing the new standards. Professional development and texting material for example are already included in the budget. Technologies and new resources and materials could be an extra expense that the districts have not accounted for. There are many state and federal grants that are set to help school districts cope with the financial burden