Clinical Research: The Informed Consent (ACS)

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Clinical Research Ethics
While attempting to do clinical research, those in charge truly want to do everything they can to help those who need help. There must be a lot on the shoulders of these researchers while leading these clinical trials since there is so much at stake. In the world of medicine, ethics can be easily tested and have been tested for a long time in history. In 1978, the first child was born from a test tube. This means that the parent of the child was unable to conceive naturally. So, they had to convince artificially. However, in ethics this prompted the informed consent(Ubel). Informed consent is giving a patient all possible complications and outcomes of care from the doctor (ACS). This was
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We are constantly trying to understand why certain research is done. However, many are confused as to why animals are used in certain medical research. There are plenty of misconceptions when it comes to these animals who are being used. The biggest misconception is that the animals are being abused and left in bad conditions. That is generally almost never the case. Before research is started, it needs to be approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. These two committees as mentioned before obtaining animals. Another misconception is that there are way too many pointless experiments done on these innocent animals. Most people insist that anything done to animal is harmful however many people do not realize that the animals are helping our society. The experiments or research done on animals is done to help the human species. It is done to advance the medicine and potentially find ways to help individuals or even cure someone. There will always be an argument of if an animal is being violated or if they are helping our society. It is truly an opinion based

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