Clara grew up with four older siblings. She had two older brothers Stephen and David and two sisters, Dorthea and Sally. They taught Clara how to read and write while she was young so she did very well in school. Her father also taught her a lot about war and the battlefields, as he was a soldier. But Clara was very shy and had no friends at school.
Growing up on a farm Clara learnt all about hard work. She had many chores from milking the cows early in the morning to taking care of sick animals.
When she was eleven years old, her brother David fell off the barn roof. After this incident he became extremely …show more content…
Clara and her sister did so much to help as many wounded soldiers, as possible. The soldiers did not have a lot of general necessities. So Clara and her sister decided to do something about this. She then set up a department where they gave the soldiers the general necessities, so they could live a better life. Eventually Clara got a job at the front lines of the battlefields where she nursed soldiers back to health.
Throughout the Civil War, Clara traveled from battle to battle, doing what she could to nurse the soldiers back to health. She was courageous enough to go to the frontlines, where she narrowly escaped death many times. . Since Clara did a lot for the soldiers and always comforted them she was soon known as the “ Angel Of The Battlefields”
The medicine in the Civil war was very unhygienic compared to modern day medicine. In the Civil war diseases caused sixty percent of deaths. Most soldiers had diseases, because the doctors or nurses did not sterilize or clean their equipment and there were a lot of bacteria in dead bodies everywhere. This is something Clara