Character And Cops: Ethics In Policing

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Police corruption is the infringement of state and government laws or the violation of constitutional rights by cops. ("Police Corruption and Misconduct", 2016) Additionally, it’s the mishandling of police power for personal gain and may include benefits gain illegally or another kind of material advantage gain unlawfully as a consequence of the police officer's authority. ("Police Corruption and Misconduct", 2016) This essay will access the claim about corruption. The following inquiries will be addressed, whether or not I agree with the claim, evidence to support reasoning’s, counter arguments about assertion and how gift giving can be used to exploit individuals. The statement illustrates that corruption is a western concept and doesn’t …show more content…
Delattre, O.W. Wilson offered voice to the general public, recounting for the historical backdrop of police corruption in Chicago, paraphrased: It has been standard to give chauffeurs, doorman, maids, cooks, and delivery men tips. (Delattre, 2011) The amount of service relies on upon these tips and naturally the policemen were incorporated. (Delattre, 2011) Unfortunately, it led to officers making themselves available for gratuities to perform favors that weren't legal. These practices led to small bribes that prompted little rewards, for instance truck drivers would clip money to their driver’s license to avoid getting a ticket from police officers. (Delattre, 2011) In Chicago, it was known that officers would look other way if they were given some type of compensation, so essentially it was customary or traditional for those who lived there, and to them it was just a way to get the police to leave them alone. Even though we know that its morally and ethically wrong for police officers to take bribes or exploit others in exchange for silence or looking the other way. Corruption becomes the standard when police officers believe that different parts of the criminal justice system are corrupt. (Martin, 2011) When an officer believes that a defendant will purchase relief from a corrupt judge, they feel like what they are doing is right because everyone else is doing it. The topic of ethics and …show more content…
In traditional societies where the pay rates are low, corruption is regarded as a way of survival, which allows the people who are poor to feel the negative impacts of corruption while, at the same time depending on it. (Rose-Ackerman, 2001). In circumstances, where the gift giving may be contingent upon the economic status; it easier for deceptive authorities to just consider the needs of the individuals whose gifts are valuable to the beneficiary or themselves. (Larmour, 2014) In conventional societies, where gift giving is an adequate method: it’s simple for a prominent figure to be persuaded by a more expensive gift, particularly if they are a position of great power and influence. The general public, either western or traditional that allows leaves the door open for authorities to manipulate a circumstance; can be impacted by a bribery, or impact the general population with the guarantee of endowments is at risk for corruption. (Larmour, 2014) In order words, public figures, who accept gifts, have no loyalty and whoever gives them the best gift will receive their services, or they might receive bribes from opposing sides. In numerous countries corruption is viewed as a natural reaction to deficiencies or shortages. ("Corruption Acceptable in Developing Countries?", 2016) In developing countries, the demand for services is limited; like

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