My basis for this Writ of Execution for money judgments, is that Respondent, Mr. Hunter, has failed to comply with his court order regarding the medical co-pay for the past 16 months, pursuant to code 4062 and 4063. Exhibit A- The FOAH filed November 18, 2014 page 2-5 2.1-states starting July 1, 2014 installments of $100.00 a month In the event any such payment becomes more than 10 days overdue, the entire unpaid balance shall become immediately due and payable without further notice. The respondent defaulted the July 2014 payment. 2.2 Respondent is actually making his full 50% uninsured medical contribution. If this were not creating a financial burden for me, Petitioner would not be here right now, in an attempt to collect monies owed. EXHIBIT B There are several discrepancies in Respondent 's financial documents including, incomplete information and inconsistent bank statements, no primary account, no paycheck deposit, pay stub name cut off looks like it was cut and pasted printed lines do not match Respondent 's Income and Expense Declaration is incomplete. I am requesting Respondents original most recent pay stub and original filed tax return for 2015 to be brought to hearing on July 13, 2016. I am also requesting the court to review the filed following records for financial documentation 2/18/2015 Subpoenaed records from Golden One Credit union 2/24/2015 Subpoenaed records from Ca Mens Colony 2/26/2015 Subpoenaed records from Wells Fargo Although Respondent makes payment on some obligations he does not pay everything as ordered by the Court. Zachary is now 18 years old and has just graduated from high school, this case should and could be settled and closed so as to not waste any more of the Court 's or anybody 's time. Respondent had equity …show more content…
Respondent has never provided a tax return or accurate accounting of his assets in the last 18 years.
In the court hearing on 2/25/2016 Petitioner 's motion was denied due to a technicality of my request for order not being properly filled out. Petitioner could not afford an attorney. Petitioner was hoping to have Respondent pay the back arrears and medical co-pays he had ignored for six months.
Respondent claimed he was not aware of having to pay medical co-pays and did not receive copy of FOAH filed in November 18, 2014. Respondent had been sent copies of the FOAH order and he also was being represented by an attorney, Robert Bettencourt, who also received copies of the FOAH order. I received Respondent 's late partial co-pays and the late arrears two days after his motions were filed 2/06/2016. Exhibit H Respondent starting March 1st 2016 writing on the arrears payment (medical settlement) and sending $20.00 check writing (ortho co-pay). I believe Respondent starting doing this knowing he was not complying with FOAH, and documents would create confusion later. Respondent continues to follow his usual patterns of not following through with proper ordered payments. After Petitioner 's last motion was denied Petitioner attempted to open a Riverside Department of Child Support Services case to collect as well as Riverside Court family law to take my case after removing garnishment. When Riverside was ready to take my case I was informed that they do not collect medical co-pays, I would have to file a motion, at that point I dropped that