Lincoln M. Alexander was appointed as the first chair for the foundation. The foundation faced changes in its leadership between the years 2003-2007. The first chair person of the foundation, Hon. Lincoln M. Alexander stepped down in 2003, and passed on the torch to Hon. Patrick Case, who left the foundation shortly after his appointment. Sister Andrée Ménard and Hon. Des Doran held positions of acting chairpersons until 2007, after which Hon. Albert Lo was appointed as chair, and who currently holds this position. In 1999, the CRRF was heavily involved in the preparation of the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance, which took place in 2001. During the horrors of post-9/11, the foundation distributed mini-posters and stickers urging Canadians to not discriminate against a race/religion. As of 2002 the CRRF is the pioneering body that is contributing towards the Canada Action Plan Against Racism. Problem Definition: With nearly 6,264,800 people identifying themselves as a member of a visible minority group, agencies such as the Canadian Race Relations Foundation emerge to respond to the need of bridging the gaps between the various diverse groups combatting racism within the Canadian context. However, it is essential to critically examine the framework, and the initiatives taken by the agency to determine how, and to what extent the foundation has contributed towards the quality of life of Canadians. Purpose: The report attempts to assess the foundation’s effectiveness in fulfilling this quintessential mandate by documenting the foundation’s institutional organization, financial sustainability, and effectiveness of initiated programs. The report also outlines a series of recommendations for the foundation. Scope: The scope of the analytical component of the report is limited to the concepts discussed in PPAS 3190 during the period of 7 weeks. In addition to that, very little has been written about CRRF and its initiatives in popular media. Therefore the effectiveness and impact of the foundation have been assessed by the information available in the foundation’s annual reports. Literature Review • "About Us - Vision and Mission." About Us - Vision and Mission. The. Web. 31 …show more content…
These discussions are usually open to the public.
• Interfaith and Belonging: The program’s goal is to promote civic participation and engagement across different communities in Canada in addition to strengthening the Canadian identity. This is a 3-year project (with possibility of extension) and is facilitated with partners such as the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Canada, Hindu Federation, World Sikh organization, Multicultural Association of Nova Scotia, and many more.
• Other programs and initiatives include Canada Lecture, Lifetime Achievement Award, diverse projects with the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination, and the Online Catalogue.
As mandated by the legislature, the foundation operates across Canada and has its principle office located in Toronto, Ontario. The foundation caters to everyone in Canadian