Bull riding is a rodeo sport that involves a rider getting on a bull, and attempting to stay mounted while trying to make it to the 8 second buzzer. It takes skill and technique to ride a bull, but those who can master it at a young age will for sure make it to the big leagues. Here you'll read about the basics and knowledge you'll need to be a successful bull rider.
Proper Equipment
Before you climb astride a bull, you need to have the proper knowledge of the sport and proper equipment from Casey, Stevee. Bull riders stay on the back of the animal with a bull rope, twisting it around their hand and holding for dear life. A bull rope is a rope for holding objects to prevent them from rubbing against or striking other objects. A thick leather bull riding glove will literally save your skin, pick a glove that is thick enough to protect your hand, but thin enough to allow for complete flexibility of …show more content…
When ready nod to the gate man to open the shoot. Yee-Haw your off.
But that's just the basics… While you are busy getting into bull riding shape, you should be watching videos and reading articles to begin to learn the basic technique of bull riding. You can also practice bull riding drills that will start forming muscle memory for bull riding. Practice on drum barrels or use your imagination and get creative on how to practice.
The next step to take is to attend a bull riding clinic where you will learn basics of bull riding including equipment, chute procedure, how to ride, and how to dismount by an instructor. Make sure your instructor(s) have the right experience and knowledge to teach you. You can also have a experienced pro bull rider help you practice form and