Hutchinson was ignored the whole duration of when they chose who they stoned. Mrs. Hutchinson constantly said “It wasn’t fair! (629)” right before she was stoned, but was told to shut up or to accept her fate. In the Stanford experiment, the prisoners were ignored, dehumanized, and even had been dragged, stripped naked, and shot with fire extinguishers. This is relatable to Mrs. Hutchinson’s experience in a way because she was dehumanized once she was chosen to be stoned. No one listened to her, they and stoned her to death without any final words, any argument, and without a second chance. The whole situation for both was more that they were in that spot for a reason and it is why they are getting their
Hutchinson was ignored the whole duration of when they chose who they stoned. Mrs. Hutchinson constantly said “It wasn’t fair! (629)” right before she was stoned, but was told to shut up or to accept her fate. In the Stanford experiment, the prisoners were ignored, dehumanized, and even had been dragged, stripped naked, and shot with fire extinguishers. This is relatable to Mrs. Hutchinson’s experience in a way because she was dehumanized once she was chosen to be stoned. No one listened to her, they and stoned her to death without any final words, any argument, and without a second chance. The whole situation for both was more that they were in that spot for a reason and it is why they are getting their