Theories 1.2 Looking at theory of child development I have chosen to discuss Bowlby attachment theory and Rutter’s theory. Bowlby said that a child will suffer from maternal depravation if the child doesn’t experience a warm loving relationship with a mother or mother figure. When a child’s attachment is disrupted they do not develop healthy personalities. He said the need to form attachments are innate. Bowlby also said that the effects of separation can be seen from around the age of 5-6 months the child will experience distress and anxiety.…
The parent could also encourage self-feeding, some children will get to a stage where they will refuse assistance when eating, they can also offer alternative foods and provide healthy snacks between meals as these will help to boost the child’s energy. A1; 1.3: The impact of secure relationships on children’s well-being The impact of attachment: Bowlby’s theory suggests that all children are biologically pre-programmed to form relationships and attachments with others before they are even born for survival and that the fear of strangers in babies and young children represents an important survival mechanism, built in by nature. Bowlby used part of Lorenz’s (1935) study that shows that attachment is innate in young ducklings and therefore has survival value. Bowlby therefore uses this to back up his own theory about attachment in children and babies. Benefits of effective relationships with the key person for children’s emotional health and well-being: The role of the key person is essential within childcare settings.…
Bowlby (1951) saw attachment behaviour as an instinctive reaction. The infant will use social releasers, such as crying and smiling to seek proximity to the primary caregiver, to ensure survival in evolutionary times. The infant will use social releasers when proximity to the caregiver is threatened, such as by separation, insecurity or fear. Social releasers will stimulate caregiving in adults, so that care and responsiveness become determinant for attachment. A securely attached child will regulate its emotions well, and the secure attachment will act as a safe base for the child to explore the world from.…
Applying Theory Attachment Attachment is the connection that forms between a main caregiver. John Bowlby (1970) found that a child’s emotional development is built on a foundation of trust and security. While working with rebellious adolescents, Bowlby found parallels in their family histories and their deviant behaviour. Many of these adolescents had unstable home lives in their early years of childhood; they had no mother figure in particular. He believed that the first relationships the infant engages in, has a direct effect on later behaviours.…
Developmental theories are commonly utilized to provide a framework for understanding children’s behavior (Miller, 2011). Among these theories are John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory and Erik Erikson’s theory on psychosocial development. Bowlby’s Attachment theory explains how children develop an attachment to another individual. The term attachment is described as a dynamic relationship that is formed through the experience of interactions with others (Miller, 2011). On the other hand, Erikson’s theory proposes that children experience a universal set of crises as they develop an identity throughout their lifespan (Miller, 2011).…
These four functions are crucial in creating a positive temperament and establishing goodness of fit. Based on Bowlby’s functions of attachment model, comes the investigation of attachment styles. Ainsworth contributed to the importance of attachment through an experiment called, “the strange situation”. This was conducted on infants aged nine to eighteen months, where they’re left in a room with a stranger without their mother, after some time the stranger leaves and the mother reenters the room. From this study, Ainsworth not only investigated the caregiver as a base for exploration, but also found four styles of attachment.…
A*1/A2 Bowlby's theory of attachment is relevant to transitions as it identifies the effects of separation on a child however Bowlby's theory is out dated in the fact that his research was carried out after the second world war and in an age where mothers didn’t go out to work. Also Bowlby stated that the child can form an attachment with one main carer this has proven to be incorrect because Schaffer and Emerson found that children can have multiple attachments by carrying out research on children. Bowlby's theory only looked at the relationship of the child with the mother and criticised the role of the father. He thought that the role of the father was to support the mother. Lamb disagreed with Bowlby's view in the role of the father…
Psychological theories focus on the instinctive and psychological qualities of those who abuse. It is abnormalities that the individual abuser is responsible for abuse, for example, abusive parents may themselves have been abuse in childhood (Corby 2000). Attachment theory comes from the work of Bowlby (1951) who carried out research into the nature and effects of maternal lack on young children. He theorized that any significant separation of a child from the mother in the first five years of life could lead to a variety of psychological and social difficulties in later life since proper bonding and attachment to the mother was crucial if a child was to benefit from physical protection and psychological security. Until the mid 1980s, attachment…
Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space (Ainsworth 1973, Bowlby 1969) McLeod(2009). British Psychologist John Bowlby connected the relationship shared between an infant and its primary care giver, and how this interaction impacted on long term forming of attachments. Bowlby found that if a child experience a strong, nurturing, secure relationship where their immediate needs are met; they are more willing to explore and aided in social and cognitive development. Bowlby found that even though attachment forming behaviors are innate if they are unreciprocated by giving of attention when anxious negative behavioral patterns were formed. John Bowlby in his research partnered with…
This assignment will describe and evaluate two theories in Developmental Psychology - specifically looking at attachment. The two theories that will be covered are Learning theory and Bowlby’s theory. Gross et Al (2009) defines attachment as a reciprocal, deep emotional bond between a child and the attachment figure that sets up the internal working template for all future attachments. Bailey et Al (2008) explain that although feelings may not be visible we can observe the conduct of the parties in question to determine if an attachment has been formed. Cardwell and Flanagan (2009), writes that Learning theory supports the formation of attachments through Operant or Classical conditioning and Social Learning.…
This began to form his belief between early infant separation from their mothers and the child later developing maladjustment, which eventual led him to develop his attachment theory (Mcleod, 2009). While Bowlby worked alongside James Robertson, he discovered that when children are separated from their caregiver, they experience great distress. Bowlby found that the children still showed distress even when other caregivers nurtured them the same way as their primary caregiver (Mcleod,…
1.1 Summarise theories of attachment The term attachment is widely used by psychologists studying children’s early relationships. An attachment can be thought of as a unique emotional tie between a child and another person usually an adult or a special toy or blanket. Research has repeatedly shown that the quality of these ties or attachments will shape a child’s ability to form other relationships later in life. Attachment theories have shaped practice in day-to-day child care and education but also social care practice.…
Throughout this essay I will be discussing the significance of attachment theory for social work practitioners and how they can implement this to develop emotional functioning with younger children. In addition I will examine how the theory has changed and progressed since John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth first “attempts to examine the psychological effects of early relationships” ( Goldberg,2000, pg3) to more contemporary approach such as Michael Rutter’s book on “Maternal Deprivation reassessed” critiquing Bowlby and the development in neuroscience. Attachment theory can be defined as a “lasting psychological connectedness between human beings” (Bowlby 1969, p. 194). John Bowlby, “a British psychoanalyst’ work attempted to understand the…
John Bowlby was a psychologist who was influenced by Sigmund Freud and developed the Attachment theory. Bowlby believed in monotropy and stated that children should only have one caregiver which is usually the mother. He further explained that forming multiple attachments for a child or not having an attachment with their mother would lead to long term behavioural problems in later life. ( Similarly, he stated that an attachment must occur within the first 3 years of a child’s life, which he described as the ‘critical period’ and he also explained that the attachment should not be broken within the first 5 years of a child’s life (referred to as the ‘sensitive period’) or this could lead to maternal deprivation.…
Able et al. (2001) have conducted research on various sleeping arrangements in different ethnic groups; Pakeha, Maori, Pacific people which include Tongan, Samoan, Cook Islander and Niuean with their infants under 12 month in New Zealand. This essay focuses on the comparison in infant sleeping arrangements among different culture. Moreover, further discussion of attachment theory in which mainly focusing on Ainsworth (1979) research findings and a hypothesis on relationships between maternal behavior and infant behavior with its effect on various sleeping arrangements.…