Boo Radley Innocence

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To Kill A Mockingbird It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird. It’s a sin to kill someone who only does good and doesn’t harm anybody. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird Arthur Radley, Tom Robinson and Scout are portrayed as mockingbirds. These people haven’t done anything to hurt anyone. They try to help and make things better. While other people try to “kill” them. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper lee uses the symbol of the mockingbird to display to them that it’s a sin to kill innocence. The first mockingbird is Arthur Radley or Boo Radley. Boo Radley is seen as a terrible and scary person because of his history in Maycomb. All the things said about him were made up and still people think he’s evil. Scout says, “ Inside the house lived a malevolent Phantom”(10 HL). All the kids are scared of the Radley place and don’t go near it. Is everything they say about Boo Radley true? Boo is just one of three mockingbirds in the novel. Boo was innocent, but people made rumors about him being a bad man, is this true for the other two. …show more content…
Tom Robinson was found guilty on a case where he was accused of raping someone. He never did this crime tho. Later that week when he was in prison Heck Tate called Atticus saying the Tom had been shot and killed. Jem asked Atticus what was wrong. Atticus said, “They shot him. He ran during an exercise period. The guards told him to stop and even fired off warning shots. Tom kept going and almost got over the fence, but they shot and killed him”(315 HL). Tom Robinson was innocent and they killed him. Tom was an innocent man who ended up dead. It’s a sin to kill innocence, but they did it anyway. There is only one mockingbird left in the

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