This has been felt through legislation like the “Doctrine of Discovery” (p. 21) whereby Anglo-Americans justified their right to lay claims to land held by sovereign nations (i.e. Native American lands) and the Inter Caetera Bulls (p. 23) of the Roman Catholic Church which granted lands in South America to Spain. Though Native American presence has become more prevalent in the confines of the United Nations in order to fight this racist doctrine, misuse of the land continues. Therefore, while Native Americans are taking a variety of environmental measures to counter these misdeeds, the two most prominent acts are Native American involvement in environmental discussions and articulating respect for Mother Nature to the
This has been felt through legislation like the “Doctrine of Discovery” (p. 21) whereby Anglo-Americans justified their right to lay claims to land held by sovereign nations (i.e. Native American lands) and the Inter Caetera Bulls (p. 23) of the Roman Catholic Church which granted lands in South America to Spain. Though Native American presence has become more prevalent in the confines of the United Nations in order to fight this racist doctrine, misuse of the land continues. Therefore, while Native Americans are taking a variety of environmental measures to counter these misdeeds, the two most prominent acts are Native American involvement in environmental discussions and articulating respect for Mother Nature to the