Aristotle's View Of A Good Life Essay

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What exactly is a good life? Is it based on what your life looks like on the outside, or is it based on how a person chooses to feel about their life and the lives around them? Is it based on your actions and whether or not you planed for things to go a certain way? Well Aristotle had a view of the good life and how he felt you could acquire it. Aristotle’s views on living well begin with a simple consideration of ends and means. Aristotle argued that as we mature, we act less aimlessly and more purposefully. That as we age we gain knowledge of the things we look forward to in life, the things we want in life, and how we plan to live our lives. He believed that we needed a plan and that the right plan is the one that aims at the final or ultimate end. For Aristotle the final end of human life is to flourish, to live well, to have a good life. Aristotle to me is saying that having a good life is the ultimate end for humans; that the good life doesn’t apply to objects. Anything we call good we do so because it is the means to living or it aids in living well. Everyone has desires things they want and what they feel they need. Aristotle believed that not all desires are of the same sort. There are acquired desires, which differ between individuals, and natural desires, which are the same for all individuals. Acquired desires or wants correspond to apparent goods; things that appear good because you want them. Natural desires or needs correspond to real goods; things that are good for you whether you want them or not. There are goods in life for everyone. It’s about creating a plan Aristotle believed in good moral character and developing good habits. A good habit allows us to perform certain actions without effort leading to a good life. He called good habits virtues. Virtues of the mind were intellectual virtues and virtues that would have someone to choose between right and wrong would be moral virtues. Aristotle believed that moral virtues are what played the major role in living a good life. The reason moral virtue—the habit of making the right choices—is so important is that our choices determine how life will go for us. Good habits or moral virtues are the principle means to having good lives, because they allow us to make the choices lead to good lives. Important moral virtues or habits are temperance, courage, and justice. Temperance or moderation keeps us from overindulging in pleasure or seeking to much of the limited goods. It shows us our limits. The golden rule would suggest that with the lack of temperance one would overindulge and get too caught up in more. Say for instance a person drinks because they enjoy the pleasure felt by the alcohol, there isn’t a limit so in the excess they become …show more content…
So the means to an end for a good life is to live accordingly to accomplish such. Aristotle had three types of ways that a person good live a good life. One was bodily goods which would include healthy life, vigor, even pleasure. The second was external goods (wealth) which included food, clothing, homes and money. The third type was goods of the soul which included knowledge, love, peace, self-esteem, and honor. Of the three yes all of them could definitely make one feel they have a good life. To me all three aren’t all that important. I think that the third type, goods of the soul would be the most important. If the soul is happy filled with joy then life should be good. In my opinion a happy life is a good one. Sartre’s belief that existence comes before essence I agree with. We are born before we know anything of life. I think that in our childhood phase we learn during acquiring certain beliefs how we will feel when it comes to living and on the way our actions will be what influences those beliefs. There are many different opinions as to what really would be a good life. No person can give a definition for another because a good life is something personal. It’s something that a person has to define for themselves. Both Aristotle and Sartre made some good points as to how a person can determine the meaning for

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