In an article called, “Arguments Against Human Cloning,” by an organization that is called All About Popular Issues, the author, who is unknown, shares their opinion on a take-down that occurs in the process of cloning of an individual. The author states, “Another scientific argument is that genetic diversity helps provide the ‘pool’ of variations available for a robust human population” (“Arguments Against Human Cloning”). This scientific take-down occurs in the unique traits that each and every individual is given at their birth. The variability is what makes each and every individual unique through their own traits. When the variability is taken away, this is considered a monstrous act. In Frankenstein, Shelley writes, “Seek happiness in tranquility, and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries.” (Shelley). According to Shelley, technology becomes monstrous when it does not allow one to distinguish the happiness in oneself through the technological or scientific advancement. Seeking the happiness is the opposite of the act of being monstrous. When one seeks the happiness, everyone is uplifted. If Victor Frankenstein had found the happiness in his creation and helped his creation to find his happiness through how he could fit in, then he would not have committed such a …show more content…
For a person to have key connections through others is a very important task to keep up with. Making every relationship as high quality as possible will ensure no monstrous activity. Relationships with people has quite a big impact on one’s life. David Swanton believes, “That a human clone might distort some people’s views of human relationships.” (Swanton). Swanton believes the views of human relationships such as a family has an enormous bond that will always be able to come together peacefully. Agreeing with Swanton, Shelley also believes that the relationships within a family are very important Shelley states, “Once commenced, it would quickly be achieved, and I might be restored to my family in peace and happiness.” (Shelley 184).
Shelley argues that the family bond is what keeps the peace and happiness. For a clone, the only relationship it has is the relationship between it and it’s creator; however, that still would not be a family. The creator would instead be a dictator and have complete control over the clone. The monstrous activity of human cloning destroys the relationships that are essential to having a safe and enjoyable