With the recent deaths of Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, and Mike Brown, “Black lives Matter” has been created to highlight the injustice black people experience from police brutality. A large number of Black Americans are involved in the movement physically or online by promoting the hashtag. These are the same people that will be affected by the appropriation of black culture. There are rally’s that these same groups attend and are passionate about. To see that blacks aren’t being treated fairly, getting murdered wrongfully with no justice served and now their culture being stolen will only have negative effects in
With the recent deaths of Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, and Mike Brown, “Black lives Matter” has been created to highlight the injustice black people experience from police brutality. A large number of Black Americans are involved in the movement physically or online by promoting the hashtag. These are the same people that will be affected by the appropriation of black culture. There are rally’s that these same groups attend and are passionate about. To see that blacks aren’t being treated fairly, getting murdered wrongfully with no justice served and now their culture being stolen will only have negative effects in